Half-Life 2 HD Hi-res Props Texture Overhaul Pack HL2 Game Hack Password
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The problem that I already alluded to is how the mechanics are implemented. The game does away with the dramatic top-down view of HL2 in favor of a third person view. This changes the feel of the game considerably, because in HL2 you are always moving around in an environment while exploring and hacking. There is no way to go back to the engine room or a guard station; there is no way to go forward, sideways or up. The only way to go is forwards. A similar problem presents itself with the weapon mechanics, which are confusing and vague.
For example, I thought that the turrets were fired from a distance but instead they only fire when a player gets too close, which is too late for me to run away. The game suffers for this lack of an understanding of the weapon mechanics, as I have no idea what to do in many situations. I have shot lights, signs, pipes, doors, walls, barrels, and I don't know if I should shoot them or not. The health mechanic is also vague, as some health packs actually heal you up and some cause damage, which makes it too easy to die. Another issue is that the game makes you sit back in a chair and shoot the controllers, which is a bit unrealistic.
The biggest issue with the game is the AI. The AI does not react very well, sometimes making multiple errors in one single situation. This leads to situations where only the AI player can hack a door and then the players are face to face while one hacks the door and the other cannot. The AI is also not able to react when players shoot from afar. Often times the AI player will forget to drop to the ground when a player shoots at them, which results in the AI player getting hit in the head and killed. The AI also has a tendency to stand around and have no interest in helping the player, which is unrealistic.
In conclusion, the game is generic, not enjoyable, and not worth the $60. The game has few interesting mechanics, which is compensated by the fact that the game is open world and takes up a lot of space on your HDD. But the lack of interesting mechanics is so enormous that it is impossible to overlook it, it becomes very apparent that this is not a serious game. I would give this a score of around 1/10.
The guns themselves are an interesting aspect of the Half-Life universe. Black Mesa is the only mod which has implemented full weapons. The guns are not only a weapon, but a character unto themselves, with their own AI, fire rates, reloading process and even recoil. The enemies are a very interesting aspect of the game, in a Half-Life 1-like manner. They act like minions, as their motives are to defend their queen and keep her safe. This makes them much more interesting than the traditional enemy - the Combine. The Combine have the same AI as you, they can't think, they just follow orders. They are treated as an accessory to the humans, not the other way around.
If another hacker does this, then they will be able to put any game on the ps3 in a matter of minutes! and that means that Sony will be out of the console market for good. We have seen what happens when sony doesn't support games anymore. Nintendo is turning a profit, now it is time for Sony to do the same, or else they are dead. 827ec27edc