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The main issue is that many small companies in emergingcountries are perceived to be easier to work for because they don't ask formoney, they don't impose a culture, and you can't fire them. Thesecompanies don't necessarily understand the political, philosophical andlegal aspects of the free software community, and see the GNU GPL asa threat. But this is the whole point - it is the establishment andmaintenance of free software at the heart of our community thatare at risk. The GNU GPL is the foundation of the free softwaremovement. And we need to defend it.
I want to end this email by extending a warm invitation to ourforeign friends. If you can support the idea that Free Software canbecome like any other software in terms of its internationalization,and that the GPL is the foundation of the whole community, please giveus your support. We need your help!
There is also the issue of losing the original corporate culture thatallowed such a great first participation in the Free Software movement. Theconcept of the GPL makes corporate culture difficult to maintain, and itis very risky to simply forbid people from having a second set oflanguages, cultures and habits.
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